torsdag 24 februari 2011


I have, as I earlier staded, sought to change things about my self and the inactiveness-project is just one of these tings. Another one is the make-up-bit; I have gone several days without it, gone to school without even thinking about it and if I can do it, so can you! If you happen to be one of those that usually go without make-up, maybe you should try it, for a period of time. No matter the gender, just the amount ;)

Futhermore my home-studios floor is now coverd in plastic - ready for projects to come!


Yesterday was the first time that I tried Zumba!!! It was fun, swetty and fun. Next new activity will be friskis & swettis counter part: Fuego. And thereafter Boxing :)

onsdag 23 februari 2011

The project

Yesterday I met with my teachers (yes plural) to discuss what I have been doing, are doing and will be doing. They liked my ideas and said that I was on the right track with the project.

But they compleatly cruched one of my "workshop"-ideas, cruched in to smithereens and then glued back together in a diferent shape that I might be able to use. But I think I'll first go with the workshopidea that they actually liked. More on that subject later.

I also got some incentive to expand and boaden one of the ideas that I had.
But I was on the right track.

Inactiveness II

I havent been as inactive as the title suggests. I did go swimming last friday even though i wasn't 100% and maybe I shouldent have done that. I was even "slower" then usual, but at least I went.

Yesterday I went to "friskis" for a "bas-pass", it went well and the next time will go even better...

fredag 18 februari 2011


Yes, I just made that word up, it does not exist. My sore muscles are not sore any more, they are just muschles now :D but my cold/sore throat ceeps bugging me so I am not sure if I shuld/will crawl this evening. It is scary how quick one can get used to inactiveness...

The first day of another project

What to do?

Step one: Workspace.
I do not feel "it" in school so I am going to use my home as bace for this operation. I have started to clear a workspace in my apartment but this is not to say that all projects ned a fixed station such as a desk or workstation.

Step two: What to do?
I think I will have many projects, wich I will bace on my enterpetations of the task and the idea of formless with all it's subcategories. My enterpetation of everything is as formless as anything and is thereby subject to change as time pass. At the moment I am werry intrested in "what is and what isn't" but also entropy.

Step 3: Start.
I have started exploring "formless" using foto and a comic book. These two projects are not yet finished but they are looking promising...

onsdag 16 februari 2011

Now that is a change...

It was a dangourus assigment we got: to change somethin' about ourselvs. I used to be a good girl, that always went to school no matter what, as long as I cud stand on my feet. Yesterday I diden´t, I felt ill in the morning so I stayed at home in the morning even if I cud stand up. How ever, I did go to school for the afternoon class. In other words: I am not werry good at playing hookie. Something that I must cange to change me and who knows maybe the guilt will decline in time. It is in deed a dangourus assigment turning good girls to bad.

söndag 13 februari 2011


Oh my God. My entire body is eaking after this weekends trainingcamp. Yes I said it: trainingcamp. It left me not only sore, but also wanting more. My next step is to introduce myself to the benchpress, as suggested by the campleaders... But first I must recuperate. I wonder if there is any point boxing tomorrow, as planed, when I can bearly lift my arms over my head...

onsdag 9 februari 2011


The future is looking pomising. Next week I'll be able to get a student-gymcard. Witch means that I will have oppertunity to do all sorts of training methods. I also have plans to try boxing via a calsmate - this activity might take all week due to their new-client-offer: sign on and train all you want for one week. Friday = swim-clas, assuming that I feel better by then...

In school:
we painted on a wall with black markers. It was fun, unususal and creative. I hope to post pictures soon. F*CK, why diden't I take any pictures today?

tisdag 8 februari 2011

Yepp, it´s official

I have a cold. My throat has been and is still buggin' me and I have used that, and some other signs, as an get out of gym free card. Meanwhile I got my student-card so I can now get the studentdisscount on the gymcard, Yay!

måndag 7 februari 2011

In school...

School today was fun. During the day we experimented with expanding foam, presented ouer preojects/objects and I think it went well. I even got a few ideas that I'll be able to use in the future. None mentioned = none forgotten. It is realy impressive how many good ideas can come from one single class...

Oh, I almost forgot. My previous experiment - a change - when I went to school without make-up has led to me not eaven thinking about make-up. To day I simply didn't do it, something that I first noticed on the subway. I think my next change will be to wear make-up ;)

I have lost it

I have lost the 'GO' or maybe I am just tierd. But I just don't feel like it. I think I'm comming down with something... This at the same time as I got un reminder as to why I must get sronger and I belive that next weekend will do the same. Hopefully I'll get it back at the same time as I get the student ID witch will bring with it - indirectly - a gym card...

onsdag 2 februari 2011


This is what happens when you don't have a plan: nothing. It was to long til Zumba and I got realy stingy when I realised that I still dident have a membership and would have to pay dubble... Not my tune.

The wole surfing the webb to find something to do, might seem like a stupid plan, it is, but it was a backup plan. Had I not forgotten my punch ticket, I would only have had to check what time the class started and go there.

Anyway, judging by my sore muscles, maybe it was the right thing to do. Now you wonder: how can she have sore muscles? What has she done? Well you see, dear reader, on monday I went to collect two gigantic backpacks filled with millitary gear - them was heavy! They, in short, reminded me that I need to work out more.

Today I carried the bulk of that load upp and down 4 stairs, 3 times,witch probably added to my sore muscles. I need to streech now, good bye...

At school

This week we have been working with basic materials, building sculptures that will decay or out of decay. We also use materials such as 'gips'/gypsum, alginate, glue-guns, organic material such as foods/flowers and so on.

I made a form out of alginate and my hands, witch I have used a lot. I have made a flowerbed with decaying flowes, candels chaped in plastic coffemugs, statues out of 'blodpudding' (a type of food made of blood, that is quite common here in Sweden) or glue, glue and suggar, meatballs out of blodpudding and some made from dirt and glue, Candle looking cemnet - complete with a wic, etc etc etc. It's fun but quite exhaustive...

Tempus fugit

Wensday, allready... I have had some trubble with getting a gymcard, mainly 'caus I am not made out of money and I realy want to use the student disscout witch is not as easy as to say "hi, I'm a student!" People simly don't trust people anymore. However I have been doing exercises at home and not a day goes by with out "träningsvärk" i.e. sore muscles. To day I was offerd a peace of "Anton Berg"-chocolate, from a calassmate, and I took it - And let me tell you, this 'sin' tasted good. And even though I had a list of 'pro:s' a single 'con' can realy take the edge of the jummy experience and make you regret it afterwords. Afterwords... a bit late I think. Meanwhile, I am youg, far from overweight, active and last but not least: I deserved it.

This morning I packed my gymbag and now I'm gonna decide what activety I feel like - and fits timewise - and then go do it. Most likley a gym...