Lets face it. Not many teachers read these blogs werry often. I have one teacher in partickular in mind... I deduct this from the lack of comments, both in the blog and at school. Seamingly, not many teachers checked or at least comented anything sence 2011-03-03 / 2011-03-11) for a very long time witch indicates that, they don't check the bloggs werry often. Nor that they check the responses on their comments that they made on these dates.
I, myself, have not written much sense I noticed this. My intress died a little when I did. Resistance is formless! And my strategy is low but to the point. The result: worse then I thought. No comments about anything, not even the old entrys. Time to play catch-up was indeed given.In short: there are not a lot of coments in this blogg. Witch I think is sad sence it, I thougt, was a way to comunicate with the teachers during this lessonless time...
Anyway... or rather meanwhile:
I have not been ilde during this time, I have continued on with all of the projects. Bought runingshoes and hit the outdoor tracks, acctualy been to the gym gym and also done the F&S-activities. For a period of time I went every day every week, save 2 days/week for resting and recovery. But I have also lost the "go" or rather this rutine, this due to (myself and) cicumstanses outside of my controll. Now I am glad if I can get 2 days/week for exercise. But I did buy runnigshoes from an expert dealer.
I have also had time to finish a whole lot of projects, even start and finsh new ones. I am pleased, not only with what I have done, but also with knowing that I can produce this amount and quality, given the chanse and time. Of corse, the circumstances cud have been better...
When it comes to makeuplessnes (makeupness) I have come to a conclution of sorts: I feel comfortable both with and without it and also: there is a time and a place for both. Dressing sassy without feels weird and puting it on to stay home also feels weird.
I have also continued with the painting project, witch in it self turned out to be as formless as any. I have explored the forless world with a camera and much more. I wont list all of them here so instead come and cheek them out at Konstfack in Sweden. They will be there until this sunday...
torsdag 26 maj 2011
söndag 24 april 2011
TrArt, GarbArt, Nart, Nort,
I am curently 4 the most part interested in what is and is not art, what can be and what can not be. And the Y...
It has been a while...
Sence my last entry, witch also is a change... I have noticed that if I "go all in" to/with something it usuarly workes out. I am accually gonna try to write less... Witch gives you, the reader, a chanse to chatch up with all my entries :)
Futher more: easter is soon behind us, and with it, loads of candy and yummy cramy food, all day, every day. Yes, I had a tendensy to "sneek-eat" candy all day, every easter-day. 30 seconds in the mouth, and 30 years on the hip... Or as that realy rich woman in that ving-comercial saied: "Att ta en extra tårt(/godis) bit och inte gå till gymmet... Ni vet vad jag menar". And beeing away for the holiday, that has been my reality. But today I acctuarly ran some hills at the "el-ljusspå-ret" forest-track. I hope to contiue outside...
I have gone for the most part makeupless...
Futher more: easter is soon behind us, and with it, loads of candy and yummy cramy food, all day, every day. Yes, I had a tendensy to "sneek-eat" candy all day, every easter-day. 30 seconds in the mouth, and 30 years on the hip... Or as that realy rich woman in that ving-comercial saied: "Att ta en extra tårt(/godis) bit och inte gå till gymmet... Ni vet vad jag menar". And beeing away for the holiday, that has been my reality. But today I acctuarly ran some hills at the "el-ljusspå-ret" forest-track. I hope to contiue outside...
I have gone for the most part makeupless...
onsdag 13 april 2011
Spur of the moment
5 hrs ago I had no plan what so ever to go to F&S, figuring that I should save my strength for this evenings activities. But at approximately 10.45 I packed my bag and headed for the bus. Normaly I wolud not have taken the bus but I wanted to catch a fitnes class. After the mid-level-class, witch realy put the S in F&S, I hit the gym. I did what I had planed but one thing: the iron bar... and I don't have a good excuse realy... I'll do better next time, I hope. I also hit the tredmil (of course). This time I tried a program "hill", let's just say that there's room for improvement...
This evening I'm kajaking in a pool...
This evening I'm kajaking in a pool...
Yesterday I tried Bosu, witch is a ball divided in ½. Focusing on strengthening the core of the body and balance. I found it to be fun but I am sorry to say that I eant got any sore muscles today.
After the session, I hit the threadmil and ran 4 10 min (a,e 1113 sp9)
After the session, I hit the threadmil and ran 4 10 min (a,e 1113 sp9)
måndag 11 april 2011
Today I had my WS. It went ok. Originally the plan was 4 the whole class to go on a guided tour of the subwaysystem during school hrs. But that was to costly. I changed it in a homework-assignment - to ride the subway. Thereby I also have lots of forgiveness for those that haden’t had time to go on the free tours that are available to the public. The minimal demand for any and all participants where that they had taken a ride on the subway, or similar, in recent years.
I decided to proceed with the ws even if the original plan had to be altered. This because the core was still the same. I was also inspired by the powerconcept from Elinors workshop. Order your friends around and you'll see...
Maybe they wont fo anything, like in this case. No one went on the guided tour. The opertunieties to do so did indeed suck so I don't blame them. What I did not count on was that they got so "snowed-in" on the art-part of the assigment, in the discussion. What I had planed was a discussion about the non-paces that we pass every day, such as the subway. And about how often we stop and look at the artwork? Or just to watch the stream of people? Or even think about it? I had hoped that they would now had done that - participated in something that opposed the “normal” movement and “culture” in the subwaysystem, to move in to a train a.s.p. I had hoped that they not only had seen the free art but also the entropy and felt the pulse.
The bace, heart, what I wanted to point out and show was the same as my foucus during this semester: that even what we think is not art, can be art. To me, what we participate in when we ride the subway is both pulse and entropic (and a bit low/basic,).
The pulse to me is the waves of people that flow into and out of the trains, the trains themselves and the high and low in rush-hrs and non-rush-hrs. Much like the human pulse, witch also has a work phase and a rest – both when it comes to the pulse itself and rest/high activity… Our pulse is the pulse within the pulse.
The entropy that I see is much like the antwars on the TV. It looks very much the same but it never is. It is not possible to redo/copy or undo, to much has changed, you are older, your shoes a bit more torn, your hart does not beat the same, it is not the same people there, u step in different places, it is a different train witch stops a millimeter from where the last one was. Your thought pattern is not the same. People are mixed and can never be the same again. The molecules has all moved - changed. It happens once this way, then never again…
(I find it to be low cause it is treated as such. I find it to be basic cause it is. Filthy.)
After de (the) discussion, witch originally was planed to take place after the guided tour with what was left of the 3 hrs of the WS witch would not have been much. I had a second activity planed. I sent them out and about go collect 4-5 individually hand drawn world maps. They encurraged to get someone else to do it but they could also do one themselvs.
“Everybody” knows what the world looks like. But do they realy? Maybe the conception of the outlining of the continents are as formless as any… To recognize the world map is, I think, easier then actually reproducing it. But how can something so static, be so dynamic (assumption). Countries change quite often but the continents stay (much) the same. Yet, as the result showed whole contients, countries, coud get missplaced or even forgotten. Don't laugh untill you have tried it yourself. The result is now on display in A4.
But then what is knowledge? Is knowledge formless or just dynamic, theoretic or a perception, un opinion. What is true? What is real? A fealing? A idea? If the ideaworld is the closest to truth that the simple human mind can come, then wtf does the world look like?
I decided to proceed with the ws even if the original plan had to be altered. This because the core was still the same. I was also inspired by the powerconcept from Elinors workshop. Order your friends around and you'll see...
Maybe they wont fo anything, like in this case. No one went on the guided tour. The opertunieties to do so did indeed suck so I don't blame them. What I did not count on was that they got so "snowed-in" on the art-part of the assigment, in the discussion. What I had planed was a discussion about the non-paces that we pass every day, such as the subway. And about how often we stop and look at the artwork? Or just to watch the stream of people? Or even think about it? I had hoped that they would now had done that - participated in something that opposed the “normal” movement and “culture” in the subwaysystem, to move in to a train a.s.p. I had hoped that they not only had seen the free art but also the entropy and felt the pulse.
The bace, heart, what I wanted to point out and show was the same as my foucus during this semester: that even what we think is not art, can be art. To me, what we participate in when we ride the subway is both pulse and entropic (and a bit low/basic,).
The pulse to me is the waves of people that flow into and out of the trains, the trains themselves and the high and low in rush-hrs and non-rush-hrs. Much like the human pulse, witch also has a work phase and a rest – both when it comes to the pulse itself and rest/high activity… Our pulse is the pulse within the pulse.
The entropy that I see is much like the antwars on the TV. It looks very much the same but it never is. It is not possible to redo/copy or undo, to much has changed, you are older, your shoes a bit more torn, your hart does not beat the same, it is not the same people there, u step in different places, it is a different train witch stops a millimeter from where the last one was. Your thought pattern is not the same. People are mixed and can never be the same again. The molecules has all moved - changed. It happens once this way, then never again…
(I find it to be low cause it is treated as such. I find it to be basic cause it is. Filthy.)
After de (the) discussion, witch originally was planed to take place after the guided tour with what was left of the 3 hrs of the WS witch would not have been much. I had a second activity planed. I sent them out and about go collect 4-5 individually hand drawn world maps. They encurraged to get someone else to do it but they could also do one themselvs.
“Everybody” knows what the world looks like. But do they realy? Maybe the conception of the outlining of the continents are as formless as any… To recognize the world map is, I think, easier then actually reproducing it. But how can something so static, be so dynamic (assumption). Countries change quite often but the continents stay (much) the same. Yet, as the result showed whole contients, countries, coud get missplaced or even forgotten. Don't laugh untill you have tried it yourself. The result is now on display in A4.
But then what is knowledge? Is knowledge formless or just dynamic, theoretic or a perception, un opinion. What is true? What is real? A fealing? A idea? If the ideaworld is the closest to truth that the simple human mind can come, then wtf does the world look like?
On f-day I left 4 another trainingcamp. It was not as tuff as the fist one, they where presst for time so they were quite lenient on us and my feet thanks them. Even so, I must ceep pushing my self at the gym. But not today, however, rest is also important for the welfare of the body - or so I've heard...
onsdag 6 april 2011
Just back
Yes, realy. Back from "lunchgympa" and to spice it up a bit I went there (to the gym) and ran for like 10 minutes. (a, e < a b 1 3). Needless to say, I was warm when lunchgympan began...
I am doing and noting a lot here on the blogg, when it comes to this project, but let's not forget that I also have other projects on the side, that are equally important to me. I am simply werry stressed.
I am doing and noting a lot here on the blogg, when it comes to this project, but let's not forget that I also have other projects on the side, that are equally important to me. I am simply werry stressed.
tisdag 5 april 2011
Just back
No, not realy, I got back 2 hrs ago, from Box 80, on F&S. It was fun, reliving my earlyer boxing experience. I'll shall return... Oh, and also, after that class I took a spinn on the treadmill. Kmin H,A
The way they are planed...
Things don't always go the way they are planed... Maybe one (I) should not have so many planes... But I am gonna ceep trying...
I hope that was cryptic enough ;)
I hope that was cryptic enough ;)
måndag 4 april 2011
I have bought a canvas for my dripp-project, fixed good-to-have-pannå, worked some on the say-what-project, including posting an example of the posters on one of the schoolwalls. It will be interesting to se the how that pans out. That plus a new project; a leaf-projectm, maybe even a re-leaf-project. Witch is a small project, but pretty :D
F-day, sat-day, sun-day n to-day
Crawl, as usual, on friday and on saturday I had a 4 h trainingday in water. It involved jumping from a 3,5 m high tower, climbing in to rafts and swimming 200 m with clotes on...
Sunday, I should have been resting but instead I went to the gym, ran for like 10 minutes +, hit un arobics clas and then I continued in the gym.
Needless to say I had 1 day of rest last week. This, I've heard, is not good for the body. It needs to rest, as well, to build and rebuild. This played a major part to-day when I battled with my self, wether or not to go to yoga. I ended up at home, in front of the television...
During this project I have often gotten the question if I have measured, weighted or photographed "pre-me" so that I can compare the pre-me with the post-me. This is not the purpose of this project I am not intrested in loosing weight etc. I am intrested in feeling good, getting a healthier body. I see it as an investment in my future health, as well as my curent.
It is interesting however, how some almost take the meassuring for granted - like: why bother if it is not measurable. Like: if it is not quantifiable, it does not count. Maybe is a symptom of a diseased and unwell world.
Sunday, I should have been resting but instead I went to the gym, ran for like 10 minutes +, hit un arobics clas and then I continued in the gym.
Needless to say I had 1 day of rest last week. This, I've heard, is not good for the body. It needs to rest, as well, to build and rebuild. This played a major part to-day when I battled with my self, wether or not to go to yoga. I ended up at home, in front of the television...
During this project I have often gotten the question if I have measured, weighted or photographed "pre-me" so that I can compare the pre-me with the post-me. This is not the purpose of this project I am not intrested in loosing weight etc. I am intrested in feeling good, getting a healthier body. I see it as an investment in my future health, as well as my curent.
It is interesting however, how some almost take the meassuring for granted - like: why bother if it is not measurable. Like: if it is not quantifiable, it does not count. Maybe is a symptom of a diseased and unwell world.
fredag 1 april 2011
This and that
I have now purchased paint for my paintproject. I did not get the kind that I sought (they did not have it) and this kind might be to loose/watery/diluted. But I bought it and I am gonna try it.
I have also finished a little project in witch I have framed a pice that was about to be disregarded as trash but in witch I saw a face - and art.
I have also finished a little project in witch I have framed a pice that was about to be disregarded as trash but in witch I saw a face - and art.
onsdag 30 mars 2011
M-day, T-day and W-day
The week so far has been packed with F&S-activties. Barbells (Skivstång), gym-intro and "Lunchjympa". It was a nice mix not to mention 3 werry intence days. My favourite was the barbells, gym showed promise and jympan was much like the other F&S-jypma-sessions, same but diferent. I hope to do all of them again soon.
lördag 26 mars 2011
Pulse 1 n 2
I am curently working on pulse project 1 and 2. They both depicts modern sociaty and its rytm/pulse.
Pulse is something that is all around us and in us, in varryating scale and rytm. The fact that the rytm outside our bodies varies makes it even more like our own pulse.
I have taken notice of these pulses in so called non-places. Places we go, pass and detain ourselves in without realy reflecting over it.
It was also quite interesting to see how people reacted to me in these places. Some were courteous and stayed out of the way while others diden't.
Pulse is something that is all around us and in us, in varryating scale and rytm. The fact that the rytm outside our bodies varies makes it even more like our own pulse.
I have taken notice of these pulses in so called non-places. Places we go, pass and detain ourselves in without realy reflecting over it.
It was also quite interesting to see how people reacted to me in these places. Some were courteous and stayed out of the way while others diden't.
F-ing computors
Why is it, we are suposed to create greateness, on the schools computors, and we only get a minimal amount of strorage space. Seriously, I am running out of 8 gig memory sticks - and money. That plus the lack of computorsuport - one word: unrendered.
thursday n friday
On thursday I went to F&S again and on friday I went crawling again. I am thinking that I might change my resting day from wednesday to thursday. That way maybe I wont be so tired at fridays crawl. At least I hope so...
tisdag 22 mars 2011
80 min
Yesterday I went to a F&S workout that lasted for 80 minutes (+10 streching). It went from fun to exausting to hell and back to fun. It felt good and I am planing to go back next week. I will also be trying another type of 80 min class day after tomorrow...
måndag 21 mars 2011
A day of shit
What is the point of doing anything at all in school when there is no way you (read I) can get a hold of a teacher that can help when the computors stars f-ing with you. I came to school to download the movies I earlier mentioned. But NO. That f*cking mac that they are one just wont let them leave... Did I mention that there were no help around. One hole day to shit.
fredag 18 mars 2011
At long last
On wensday I finaly bougt a gymcard, I even used it, and tonight it's crawltime.
tisdag 15 mars 2011
Some times things just don't go the way they are planed.
Yesterday I boxed. Sweaty and fun but, I am sorry to say, the last time for the a while. The trialperiod is over. Maybe Ill pic it upp again later in a club closer to home. But right now I feel I have to get my *** to a gym and get started with the areas that got this project started. On friday I swam and tomorrow...
fredag 11 mars 2011
Yesterday I went boxing and today I am going crawling with a slight cramp and I suspect a beginning cold. Let's see how that goes...
torsdag 10 mars 2011
It went by so fast...
To day will be the third day with boxing and I am sorry to say, the last. But tomorrow its crawl and this weekend it's all work and no play...
I did take one day of to rest, witch is also important, as well as leting profissionals help. As a part of my self-improv-project I wiseted a kiropraktor. Fortunately she saied I diden't need one and spent the time mostly massaging :)
Next week, I am bying a gymcard...
Oh, and I have also worn make-up on scooldays...
That and 4 some reason I can not coment on others coments. So I'll do some here:
- Ill will be doing some things in school. But lets remember that A4 is chilly and stinks.
- The idea is baced on mental change - to feel comfy without it, not naked, odd or ugly. To only wear on half the face or simular would fall under the two later...
- Ja, det var synd men vi kommer, du o jag, att ses mer när jag tar tag i grafikiddéerna mina :)
Jag tror för övrigt att vi ändras hela tiden mer eller mindre medvetet...
I did take one day of to rest, witch is also important, as well as leting profissionals help. As a part of my self-improv-project I wiseted a kiropraktor. Fortunately she saied I diden't need one and spent the time mostly massaging :)
Next week, I am bying a gymcard...
Oh, and I have also worn make-up on scooldays...
That and 4 some reason I can not coment on others coments. So I'll do some here:
- Ill will be doing some things in school. But lets remember that A4 is chilly and stinks.
- The idea is baced on mental change - to feel comfy without it, not naked, odd or ugly. To only wear on half the face or simular would fall under the two later...
- Ja, det var synd men vi kommer, du o jag, att ses mer när jag tar tag i grafikiddéerna mina :)
Jag tror för övrigt att vi ändras hela tiden mer eller mindre medvetet...
tisdag 8 mars 2011
The others
Please note I have other projects as well, such as:
The "say what"-project,
Pulse project 1,
Pulse project 2,
Pulse project 3,
What is/isn´t art,
and more to come...
The "say what"-project,
Pulse project 1,
Pulse project 2,
Pulse project 3,
What is/isn´t art,
and more to come...
Last week I went without makeup. Yesterday, monday, I went with and will do so today as well.
I have goten used to not wearing, not caring, mutch, what people may think. So now I am gonna try to get used to wearing it again...
I have goten used to not wearing, not caring, mutch, what people may think. So now I am gonna try to get used to wearing it again...
Ok, I was wrong...
The next step wasen't Fuego it was boxing. I tried it yesterday and it was sweatty, painful and fun. And today I am going back for more. Downside is that I wont be home till late...
torsdag 24 februari 2011
I have, as I earlier staded, sought to change things about my self and the inactiveness-project is just one of these tings. Another one is the make-up-bit; I have gone several days without it, gone to school without even thinking about it and if I can do it, so can you! If you happen to be one of those that usually go without make-up, maybe you should try it, for a period of time. No matter the gender, just the amount ;)
Futhermore my home-studios floor is now coverd in plastic - ready for projects to come!
Futhermore my home-studios floor is now coverd in plastic - ready for projects to come!
Yesterday was the first time that I tried Zumba!!! It was fun, swetty and fun. Next new activity will be friskis & swettis counter part: Fuego. And thereafter Boxing :)
onsdag 23 februari 2011
The project
Yesterday I met with my teachers (yes plural) to discuss what I have been doing, are doing and will be doing. They liked my ideas and said that I was on the right track with the project.
But they compleatly cruched one of my "workshop"-ideas, cruched in to smithereens and then glued back together in a diferent shape that I might be able to use. But I think I'll first go with the workshopidea that they actually liked. More on that subject later.
I also got some incentive to expand and boaden one of the ideas that I had.
But I was on the right track.
But they compleatly cruched one of my "workshop"-ideas, cruched in to smithereens and then glued back together in a diferent shape that I might be able to use. But I think I'll first go with the workshopidea that they actually liked. More on that subject later.
I also got some incentive to expand and boaden one of the ideas that I had.
But I was on the right track.
Inactiveness II
I havent been as inactive as the title suggests. I did go swimming last friday even though i wasn't 100% and maybe I shouldent have done that. I was even "slower" then usual, but at least I went.
Yesterday I went to "friskis" for a "bas-pass", it went well and the next time will go even better...
Yesterday I went to "friskis" for a "bas-pass", it went well and the next time will go even better...
fredag 18 februari 2011
Yes, I just made that word up, it does not exist. My sore muscles are not sore any more, they are just muschles now :D but my cold/sore throat ceeps bugging me so I am not sure if I shuld/will crawl this evening. It is scary how quick one can get used to inactiveness...
The first day of another project
What to do?
Step one: Workspace.
I do not feel "it" in school so I am going to use my home as bace for this operation. I have started to clear a workspace in my apartment but this is not to say that all projects ned a fixed station such as a desk or workstation.
Step two: What to do?
I think I will have many projects, wich I will bace on my enterpetations of the task and the idea of formless with all it's subcategories. My enterpetation of everything is as formless as anything and is thereby subject to change as time pass. At the moment I am werry intrested in "what is and what isn't" but also entropy.
Step 3: Start.
I have started exploring "formless" using foto and a comic book. These two projects are not yet finished but they are looking promising...
Step one: Workspace.
I do not feel "it" in school so I am going to use my home as bace for this operation. I have started to clear a workspace in my apartment but this is not to say that all projects ned a fixed station such as a desk or workstation.
Step two: What to do?
I think I will have many projects, wich I will bace on my enterpetations of the task and the idea of formless with all it's subcategories. My enterpetation of everything is as formless as anything and is thereby subject to change as time pass. At the moment I am werry intrested in "what is and what isn't" but also entropy.
Step 3: Start.
I have started exploring "formless" using foto and a comic book. These two projects are not yet finished but they are looking promising...
onsdag 16 februari 2011
Now that is a change...
It was a dangourus assigment we got: to change somethin' about ourselvs. I used to be a good girl, that always went to school no matter what, as long as I cud stand on my feet. Yesterday I diden´t, I felt ill in the morning so I stayed at home in the morning even if I cud stand up. How ever, I did go to school for the afternoon class. In other words: I am not werry good at playing hookie. Something that I must cange to change me and who knows maybe the guilt will decline in time. It is in deed a dangourus assigment turning good girls to bad.
söndag 13 februari 2011
Oh my God. My entire body is eaking after this weekends trainingcamp. Yes I said it: trainingcamp. It left me not only sore, but also wanting more. My next step is to introduce myself to the benchpress, as suggested by the campleaders... But first I must recuperate. I wonder if there is any point boxing tomorrow, as planed, when I can bearly lift my arms over my head...
onsdag 9 februari 2011
The future is looking pomising. Next week I'll be able to get a student-gymcard. Witch means that I will have oppertunity to do all sorts of training methods. I also have plans to try boxing via a calsmate - this activity might take all week due to their new-client-offer: sign on and train all you want for one week. Friday = swim-clas, assuming that I feel better by then...
In school:
we painted on a wall with black markers. It was fun, unususal and creative. I hope to post pictures soon. F*CK, why diden't I take any pictures today?
In school:
we painted on a wall with black markers. It was fun, unususal and creative. I hope to post pictures soon. F*CK, why diden't I take any pictures today?
tisdag 8 februari 2011
Yepp, it´s official
I have a cold. My throat has been and is still buggin' me and I have used that, and some other signs, as an get out of gym free card. Meanwhile I got my student-card so I can now get the studentdisscount on the gymcard, Yay!
måndag 7 februari 2011
In school...
School today was fun. During the day we experimented with expanding foam, presented ouer preojects/objects and I think it went well. I even got a few ideas that I'll be able to use in the future. None mentioned = none forgotten. It is realy impressive how many good ideas can come from one single class...
Oh, I almost forgot. My previous experiment - a change - when I went to school without make-up has led to me not eaven thinking about make-up. To day I simply didn't do it, something that I first noticed on the subway. I think my next change will be to wear make-up ;)
Oh, I almost forgot. My previous experiment - a change - when I went to school without make-up has led to me not eaven thinking about make-up. To day I simply didn't do it, something that I first noticed on the subway. I think my next change will be to wear make-up ;)
I have lost it
I have lost the 'GO' or maybe I am just tierd. But I just don't feel like it. I think I'm comming down with something... This at the same time as I got un reminder as to why I must get sronger and I belive that next weekend will do the same. Hopefully I'll get it back at the same time as I get the student ID witch will bring with it - indirectly - a gym card...
onsdag 2 februari 2011
This is what happens when you don't have a plan: nothing. It was to long til Zumba and I got realy stingy when I realised that I still dident have a membership and would have to pay dubble... Not my tune.
The wole surfing the webb to find something to do, might seem like a stupid plan, it is, but it was a backup plan. Had I not forgotten my punch ticket, I would only have had to check what time the class started and go there.
Anyway, judging by my sore muscles, maybe it was the right thing to do. Now you wonder: how can she have sore muscles? What has she done? Well you see, dear reader, on monday I went to collect two gigantic backpacks filled with millitary gear - them was heavy! They, in short, reminded me that I need to work out more.
Today I carried the bulk of that load upp and down 4 stairs, 3 times,witch probably added to my sore muscles. I need to streech now, good bye...
The wole surfing the webb to find something to do, might seem like a stupid plan, it is, but it was a backup plan. Had I not forgotten my punch ticket, I would only have had to check what time the class started and go there.
Anyway, judging by my sore muscles, maybe it was the right thing to do. Now you wonder: how can she have sore muscles? What has she done? Well you see, dear reader, on monday I went to collect two gigantic backpacks filled with millitary gear - them was heavy! They, in short, reminded me that I need to work out more.
Today I carried the bulk of that load upp and down 4 stairs, 3 times,witch probably added to my sore muscles. I need to streech now, good bye...
At school
This week we have been working with basic materials, building sculptures that will decay or out of decay. We also use materials such as 'gips'/gypsum, alginate, glue-guns, organic material such as foods/flowers and so on.
I made a form out of alginate and my hands, witch I have used a lot. I have made a flowerbed with decaying flowes, candels chaped in plastic coffemugs, statues out of 'blodpudding' (a type of food made of blood, that is quite common here in Sweden) or glue, glue and suggar, meatballs out of blodpudding and some made from dirt and glue, Candle looking cemnet - complete with a wic, etc etc etc. It's fun but quite exhaustive...
I made a form out of alginate and my hands, witch I have used a lot. I have made a flowerbed with decaying flowes, candels chaped in plastic coffemugs, statues out of 'blodpudding' (a type of food made of blood, that is quite common here in Sweden) or glue, glue and suggar, meatballs out of blodpudding and some made from dirt and glue, Candle looking cemnet - complete with a wic, etc etc etc. It's fun but quite exhaustive...
Tempus fugit
Wensday, allready... I have had some trubble with getting a gymcard, mainly 'caus I am not made out of money and I realy want to use the student disscout witch is not as easy as to say "hi, I'm a student!" People simly don't trust people anymore. However I have been doing exercises at home and not a day goes by with out "träningsvärk" i.e. sore muscles. To day I was offerd a peace of "Anton Berg"-chocolate, from a calassmate, and I took it - And let me tell you, this 'sin' tasted good. And even though I had a list of 'pro:s' a single 'con' can realy take the edge of the jummy experience and make you regret it afterwords. Afterwords... a bit late I think. Meanwhile, I am youg, far from overweight, active and last but not least: I deserved it.
This morning I packed my gymbag and now I'm gonna decide what activety I feel like - and fits timewise - and then go do it. Most likley a gym...
This morning I packed my gymbag and now I'm gonna decide what activety I feel like - and fits timewise - and then go do it. Most likley a gym...
fredag 28 januari 2011
Just home from the first day of the crawling class that I earlier mentioned. It feelt good to spash around in the water again, but ah, the leggkick... trickey, trickey, trickey... At least I diden't go backwards this time. And a shout out to the coaches whom are super!
In shool, we had an high flying lecture and unfortunately we also had our last grafik class :( I do so love it, I even went there one houer early today, witch also brought whith it that I was there alone for a while and it was just like good old times - I could take my time, occupy an entire press, have it all to myself and nit pick as much as I wanted to. It was and and is fun. I am gonna miss it. But knowing that I can return when ever I want during the semester makes it a little better and I hope I will...
In shool, we had an high flying lecture and unfortunately we also had our last grafik class :( I do so love it, I even went there one houer early today, witch also brought whith it that I was there alone for a while and it was just like good old times - I could take my time, occupy an entire press, have it all to myself and nit pick as much as I wanted to. It was and and is fun. I am gonna miss it. But knowing that I can return when ever I want during the semester makes it a little better and I hope I will...
torsdag 27 januari 2011
Not a 100
Still not feeling a hundred, it's like a cold that hasen't quite kicked in just yet. So I am doing some exersices at home with my dumbbars and pilatesball. Still hasent goten my student ID so purchesing the gymcard will have to wait...
School is good. I'd say that I am verry productive. I get un idea and I do it - witch I love. But I feel that there are to many people sharing the same - limeted - space and printingpresses. I have a hard time staying in the zone a.k.a. flow. And I feel stressed when I want to nit pic with the plate, on the table, before it goes in to it. 'Caus it does not take long before there's a que. This, however, does not meen that I mind my classmates in any way. The class is great, I just wish I had my own workspace/press. I once had access to a printing press that I often had all to my self, it was 2 floors down from my dormroom. I stayed there till the wee houers of the night, not even realizing the hour... Good times =)
School is good. I'd say that I am verry productive. I get un idea and I do it - witch I love. But I feel that there are to many people sharing the same - limeted - space and printingpresses. I have a hard time staying in the zone a.k.a. flow. And I feel stressed when I want to nit pic with the plate, on the table, before it goes in to it. 'Caus it does not take long before there's a que. This, however, does not meen that I mind my classmates in any way. The class is great, I just wish I had my own workspace/press. I once had access to a printing press that I often had all to my self, it was 2 floors down from my dormroom. I stayed there till the wee houers of the night, not even realizing the hour... Good times =)
tisdag 25 januari 2011
Mday n 2day
Yesterday was the 1:st day that we had *grafik*. It was fun and I was quite productive. Later in, the afternoon, I went 4 a swim. It didn´t quite go as I hoped and I had to abort after 600 meters, not cool. I have never done before - ever. But at least I did more then nothing...
Today school offerd more grafik, partly in the shape of collorless press. It was crampt but interesting. Later we had more traditional grafik with oilcollor but with inexpensive paper. Now when I finish blogging I will do some exercices in the comfort of my home.
Today school offerd more grafik, partly in the shape of collorless press. It was crampt but interesting. Later we had more traditional grafik with oilcollor but with inexpensive paper. Now when I finish blogging I will do some exercices in the comfort of my home.
lördag 22 januari 2011
To make a change...
Like I earlier stated, we are in this course encurraged to make changes in ouer lives. The changes can be small or "life altering", ofcourse even the small ones can be life changeing - but I think you know what I mean...
I have during the first week started to make small changes, as described in earlier posts in this blog, while considering posible big ones. I have now desided on a, somewhat, bigger change... I am gonna start exersising on a regular basis. 2 birds 1 stone, plus I can do it during school hrs ;)
I have allready started, in the comefort of my own home. I found a webbpage witch was great and you simply must check it out, it had a lot of information and it was free!!! The downside is that it is in my native language... Anyway, here is the link:
Now, just because I started this selfimprovment-project dosen't mean that I wont devote time to other undertakings, more arty-like projects. Noor does it mean that this blogg is going to turn in to any kind of fitnesspage. What it does mean is that I will time and again coment on my progress, or lack there of, during the following weeks. It also means that I now can fokus on two things, the more practical in-scholl-projects (the artsy stuff) and this life altering undertaking. This is not to say that I will cease to make the small changes...
This was a werry long entry, thank you for reading this far and just bear with me a while longer so that I can tell you why I want to exercise - it is simly to live more healthy, to strengthen my back and shoulders, plus, I have heard god things about this health stuff...
I have during the first week started to make small changes, as described in earlier posts in this blog, while considering posible big ones. I have now desided on a, somewhat, bigger change... I am gonna start exersising on a regular basis. 2 birds 1 stone, plus I can do it during school hrs ;)
I have allready started, in the comefort of my own home. I found a webbpage witch was great and you simply must check it out, it had a lot of information and it was free!!! The downside is that it is in my native language... Anyway, here is the link:
Now, just because I started this selfimprovment-project dosen't mean that I wont devote time to other undertakings, more arty-like projects. Noor does it mean that this blogg is going to turn in to any kind of fitnesspage. What it does mean is that I will time and again coment on my progress, or lack there of, during the following weeks. It also means that I now can fokus on two things, the more practical in-scholl-projects (the artsy stuff) and this life altering undertaking. This is not to say that I will cease to make the small changes...
This was a werry long entry, thank you for reading this far and just bear with me a while longer so that I can tell you why I want to exercise - it is simly to live more healthy, to strengthen my back and shoulders, plus, I have heard god things about this health stuff...
fredag 21 januari 2011
No tiltle
Hi, i am gonna try to remember to write in english and to write in english ;)
We have been given the assigment to change something about ouerselves, or at least try. I figgured I´d start with some small changes and try and test different ideas that i get, on the subject - and other, during this course.
To day ie I went to school wearing no make-up and in clotes that I diden´t feel was ´konstfack'. Maybe the clotes and the lack make-up was more konstfack then i previously thougt. And I was warm the entire day/morning... And now it´s lunchtime.
We have been given the assigment to change something about ouerselves, or at least try. I figgured I´d start with some small changes and try and test different ideas that i get, on the subject - and other, during this course.
To day ie I went to school wearing no make-up and in clotes that I diden´t feel was ´konstfack'. Maybe the clotes and the lack make-up was more konstfack then i previously thougt. And I was warm the entire day/morning... And now it´s lunchtime.
torsdag 20 januari 2011
tack för idag
Nu har jag lagt upp min blogg, lagt till lite prylar o fixat lite. Timmarna går och det är snart dags att gå hem...
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