Sence my last entry, witch also is a change... I have noticed that if I "go all in" to/with something it usuarly workes out. I am accually gonna try to write less... Witch gives you, the reader, a chanse to chatch up with all my entries :)
Futher more: easter is soon behind us, and with it, loads of candy and yummy cramy food, all day, every day. Yes, I had a tendensy to "sneek-eat" candy all day, every easter-day. 30 seconds in the mouth, and 30 years on the hip... Or as that realy rich woman in that ving-comercial saied: "Att ta en extra tårt(/godis) bit och inte gå till gymmet... Ni vet vad jag menar". And beeing away for the holiday, that has been my reality. But today I acctuarly ran some hills at the "el-ljusspå-ret" forest-track. I hope to contiue outside...
I have gone for the most part makeupless...
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