lördag 22 januari 2011

To make a change...

Like I earlier stated, we are in this course encurraged to make changes in ouer lives. The changes can be small or "life altering", ofcourse even the small ones can be life changeing - but I think you know what I mean...

I have during the first week started to make small changes, as described in earlier posts in this blog, while considering posible big ones. I have now desided on a, somewhat, bigger change... I am gonna start exersising on a regular basis. 2 birds 1 stone, plus I can do it during school hrs ;)

I have allready started, in the comefort of my own home. I found a webbpage witch was great and you simply must check it out, it had a lot of information and it was free!!! The downside is that it is in my native language... Anyway, here is the link:


Now, just because I started this selfimprovment-project dosen't mean that I wont devote time to other undertakings, more arty-like projects. Noor does it mean that this blogg is going to turn in to any kind of fitnesspage. What it does mean is that I will time and again coment on my progress, or lack there of, during the following weeks. It also means that I now can fokus on two things, the more practical in-scholl-projects (the artsy stuff) and this life altering undertaking. This is not to say that I will cease to make the small changes...

This was a werry long entry, thank you for reading this far and just bear with me a while longer so that I can tell you why I want to exercise - it is simly to live more healthy, to strengthen my back and shoulders, plus, I have heard god things about this health stuff...

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