måndag 4 april 2011

F-day, sat-day, sun-day n to-day

Crawl, as usual, on friday and on saturday I had a 4 h trainingday in water. It involved jumping from a 3,5 m high tower, climbing in to rafts and swimming 200 m with clotes on...

Sunday, I should have been resting but instead I went to the gym, ran for like 10 minutes +, hit un arobics clas and then I continued in the gym.

Needless to say I had 1 day of rest last week. This, I've heard, is not good for the body. It needs to rest, as well, to build and rebuild. This played a major part to-day when I battled with my self, wether or not to go to yoga. I ended up at home, in front of the television...

During this project I have often gotten the question if I have measured, weighted or photographed "pre-me" so that I can compare the pre-me with the post-me. This is not the purpose of this project I am not intrested in loosing weight etc. I am intrested in feeling good, getting a healthier body. I see it as an investment in my future health, as well as my curent.

It is interesting however, how some almost take the meassuring for granted - like: why bother if it is not measurable. Like: if it is not quantifiable, it does not count. Maybe is a symptom of a diseased and unwell world.

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